Tuesday, March 9, 2010

An Update on the Story of "The Girl"

I have written a number of posts about a young women in Honduras who I referred to as the "the Girl." I told the story of our meeting and subsequent relationship, her struggles growing up in various orphanages, and her current struggles as she begins a new chapter of life in Tegucigalpa.

The Girl gave birth to a son in January. His name is Jarvin Gabriel. Although we have been unable to speak her directly, both her brother and our missionary friends at The Micah Project (www.micahcentral.blogspot.com) report that mother and baby are doing well.

Honduras can be a tough place to grow up. The country is very poor, and the current world economic downtown is only making a bad situation worse. There are few jobs, food shortages, and widespread malnutrition.

If you are a praying person, please take a moment to offer a prayer for Daisy and Jarvin. I appreciate it, and I know they would too.

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