Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A little "r" republican in the Heart of Dixie

I feel compelled to offer an explanation.

Note that I said "explanation," and not "apology."  We've got nothing to apologize for, and quite frankly, we wouldn't apologize if we did. "We" being the rural folk of the great State of Alabama.  I won't speak for Mississippi, although I suspect their reasons were about the same as ours.

The issue?  We didn't vote for "the Party man" in yesterday's Republican primary.  Mr. Romney came in third in Alabama.  The election result map is revealing:  Romney won only the metro areas surrounding Birmingham, Montgomery, and Mobile.

We country folks don't much like him.  He is a "country club Republican."  We have NEVER been country club Republicans.  In fact, we haven't been Republicans all that long, less than 20 years in most cases, and even now most of us who vote that way do so only because the Democratic Party abandoned us.

We didn't vote Romney because he doesn't have a clue about the average person in Alabama.

Romney made the mistake of calling a well-known syndicated sport's talk show just before the primary.  I guess he wanted to "connect" with the Crackers and Hillbillies he would need to win Alabama.  It was a miscalculation on his strategist's part.  Good idea--poor execution.

It became apparent, very quickly I might add, that this man knows nothing about college football, which is not going to win the hearts and minds of Alabamians.  I doubt he knows the National Championship has lived in Alabama for the last three years, or who the coaches are at our two big-time schools.

The host of the show tried to help him out of his jam by changing the subject to the NFL.  He asked Romney about the recent free-agency of Peyton Manning.

"I'm friends with several NFL team owners, but I really don't care where Manning goes as long as he doesn't play in the same division against my Patriots.  I hope he doesn't land in our neck of the woods."

My, my.  I believe we got us a rich-boy country club Republican here, mama--and a damn Yankee to boot.

Those of you outside the South who are desperate to beat the current president shouldn't worry too much.  We made our statement yesterday.  We will fall in line in November and vote for whoever y'all nominate--not because we want to, but because we'd like to get back to some of the luxuries we used to enjoy down here before Obama/Biden and their hope and change--little things like jobs, groceries, gas--stuff like that.

But we won't like it.

Fergit, hell.



  1. I'm no Romney fan. However, I think there is only one thing to focus on, and that's getting rid of Obama. Romney has the best chance of defeating Obama, not Newt or Rick. Why is that? Because Mitt is closest to the middle of the political spectrum, not the GOP spectrum perhaps but the national spectrum, which is what matters right now.

    Getting huffy and not voting for him because he's a dunce on college football (as am I) or because he's super-rich or doesn't talk like a hillbilly is a colossally short-sighted thing to do.

  2.  You miss the point, my friend.  He will be voted for in the general election if he is the nominee--just like we held our noses and voted for McCain.

    Freedom is what's at stake here.  Not Left or Right or Center.  The Federal government is out of control. 

  3. Nope, didn't miss the point. I understand Alabama will go GOP in November. Right now, however, it's important to stop the mud-slinging between Republican candidates, focus on the best one available, the one who stands the best chance against Obama, and that's Romney, let Newt and Rick drop out, and put the focus on defeating Obama. The more time spent on doing that the better.

  4.  Sir, please realize that my little snippets of writing are not meant to be serious political or social commentary.  They are intended to be entertaining and are often tongue-in-cheek.  Written more for a chuckle than a debate.
